Ostanie Ewa Lewandowska
Egipt: Mieszane uczucia po propozycji zablokowania pornografii
Only one month after the first session of the newly elected parliament in Egypt, much debate and controversy arose. The Egyptian blogosphere and twitterverse have been watching the new parliament and tweeting under the hashtag #EgyParliament expressing demands, concerns and sarcasm. A recent episode at the parliament stirred much discussion, but this time it was about pornography!
Rosja: Pierwsza kobieta w Kosmosie kończy 75 lat
Just days before the world celebrated International Women's Day last week, Valentina Tereshkova - the first woman to enter space - celebrated her 75th birthday.
Armenia-Azerbejdżan: Wojny Czosnkowe
With tensions high between Armenia and Azerbaijan as a result of a still unresolved territorial dispute, the appearance of Azerbaijani garlic in Armenian supermarkets has made some local media hysterical.
Ukraina: Historia życia Anny Boiko
"She is a cheerful, talented, strong person. A person who has been through a lot, who is full of knowledge and memories," writes Olya Suprun about her 75-year-old grandmother, whose memories she is sharing on the award-winning blog called "The Story of Anna Boiko's Life." Tetyana Bohdanova reports.
Egipt: Pamiętniki cierpiącej na raka
Breaking from the norm, Tarek Amr interviews Heba Mitkees, a blogger who had died last month, after battling cancer. Amr asks the questions and looks for answers in Mitkees blog.
USA: Czy NASA odkryła planetę na której może być życie?
NASA has announced the Kepler Space Telescope discovery of Kepler-22b, a planet within the right distance of its star for potentially having a habitable temperature. Science bloggers have reacted to the news with analysis and theories of their own.